Women in the Paris Commune (1871) !

Join local guide Anouk Colombani on a tour of the streets of Paris in the footsteps of the women who took action during the Paris Commune.

  • Location : République
  • Duration : 2h
  • Access by Public Transport : République (métro ligne 3, 5, 8, 9, 11)
Women in the Paris Commune (1871) !
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In 1871, the Parisians seized power to put a revolutionary government in place for two months. During the insurrection, women were present and did a lot for social justice and their own empowerment. They paid the heavy price for that through the spreading of the « Pétroleuse » myth.

Who were the women who took action during the Paris Commune ? Some names are now well-known : Louise Michel, Nathalie Lemel, Elisabeth Dmitrieff, Blanche Lefevre, Louise Noel, André Léo, Paule Mink. But thousands more women from the working class took part in the insurrection of Paris. They were discussing among clubs, upon the barricades, reinveting school and work, nursing the soldiers, fighting for rights et recognition…

Despite the tragic end, the Paris Commune remains a major chapter in the french history and the french politics today.

Between the Place de la République (Republic square) and Gare de l’Est (East Station), join the guide Anouk Colombani in the footsteps of these women : where they fought, worked, builded another society… and discover formerly popular and industrial neighbourhoods.


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